

Alessandro Gargano

Founder of the Team, born in Arezzo in 1985, graduated at the University of Bologna in 2008, works as a lawyer in his own firm, based in Arezzo. He speaks Portuguese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Provided with a solid knowledge of labor and social security law, commercial and civil law, international contracts drafting, compliance.

Within the team, Alessandro takes care of the distribution, sales and supply agreements and of the adaptability process of companies to the laws of foreign countries.
He is Central Italy Representative for Promo Brasile Italia, Business Ambassador for the Italian - Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, he mainly deals with the Brazilian market, as well as with the other latin American ones.
He collaborates with Confindustria Toscana Sud for what concerns internationalization advice, and with the Chamber of Commerce of Arezzo for seminars, webinars and teaching programs.

Tommaso Ceccarini

Lawyer, born in Arezzo in 1984, he took a degree in Law in 2011 at the University of Florence. He currently collaborates with Del Corto Law Firm, based in Arezzo.
With a strong background in criminal law, especially referring to corporate crimes, he masters fiscal law and international recovery of claims.
His position in Plàmia is to deal with drawing up contracts and the feasibility of international credit recovery.
Besides, he studies and analyses the possible liability implications emerging in the international corporate sector.


Matteo Grassi

Graduated at the University of Florence, he practices law in Arezzo in the fields of civil, bankruptcy, bank, corporate and company law.
Over time he gained experience dealing with cross border and transnational operations, management of personal assets, both in European and international contexts.
Within the group, he mainly has the task to cooperate and interface with juridical and financial partners abroad.
In addition, he focuses about each banking and credit management related to the operation.

Marco Teoni
born in Arezzo in 1987, graduated at Florence University in 2012, earned a Master degree in Industrial and Intellectual Property in Milan in 2015, works as a lawyer in his own firm, based in Arezzo and Bologna.
He's provided with a strong background in IP, industrial law, focusing on protection and valorization of all company intangible assets.
Over time he has developed specific expertise in privacy and data protection in connection with EU GDPR no. 679/2016, and commercial law.
He collaborates with Arezzo Accountants Association on issues relating to industrial property.
Within the team, Marco deals with all the matters linked to industrial property rights (trademarks, patents, know-how protection and industrial secrets) over foreign markets.
Andrea Galastri
accountant and auditor, born in Arezzo in 1984, earned a degree with honors in 2010 at Siena University, and works in his own firm based in Arezzo.
With experience in international custom legislation, he is a specialist in goods origin management, "made in" accreditation, intangible assets transfer pricing, evaluation of company intangible goods and cross-border taxation.
His duty is to study the feasibility of operations, regarding the economic and commercial aspects, taking into consideration every fiscal, tax and corporate consequence.
It manages the customs aspects, focusing above all on the customs section and on protecting the origin.

Lorenzo Mercati
Accountant and auditor, born in Sansepolcro in 1983, earned a degree in 2008 at Perugia University; since 2013, he is a partner at Notaristefano associated firm, based in Arezzo.
With experience in international management consulting, extraordinary taxation and operations, business planning, tax problem solving, he also has a solid background in VAT consulting regarding international trades.
His duty is to study the feasibility of operations, focusing on the economic and commercial aspects referred to the target country.